Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Survey Results

Results from survey

After leaving my survey on my blog for about 2 weeks I have analyzed the results for each question and i am now able to incorporate these into my photos and general magazine.

Q1. clearly shows that the majority of my target market listen to the latest music and i should take this into consideration when i include things into my magazine. 
 Q2. This gives me a great idea of the range of music my target market listen to and will enable me to focus on certain articles to include in my magazine.
 Q3. Here I can clearly see the age range of the people that will be reading my magazine meaning i have made a correct prediction on the age of my target audience, this means I can focus on content that will relate to people between the ages of 16-25.
Q4. This will defiantly help me when choosing clothes for my model as they will need to fit the genre of my magazine so will have to dress in the right way. 
 Q5. This gives me a great idea of the range of music my target market listen to and will enable me to focus on certain articles to include in my magazine.
 Q6. This will also help me when choosing the colours of the clothes that people are wearing and also the colours that will be included in my magazine.
 Q7. Here i can see that mainly my target market don't read magazines so this means i will have to find a way to grab there attention by doing something most other magazines don do.
 Q8. This clearly shows that the majority of my target market don't go to music festivals so i should take this into consideration when i include things into my magazine.
Q9. This question clearly shows that for my double page spread i should make it include a new upcoming artist that people want to get to know about.

Q10. Here I can see that there is a wide range of music taste which means that I have a wide range of articles i can create due to the kinds of music my target audience like.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Initial name ideas/ fonts

Initial Name Ideas

BMP (beats per minuet)
Yao (clubbing term tall girl)
BLITZ ( in clubbing terms an intense drop in the song)
Hype (experience of intense excitement)
Euphoria/ U4RIA (extreme happiness) 
FRENZY (A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior)

Survey results

STEP!    2
BMP      0
Yao        0
HYPE    1
Euphoria 3
U4RIA    0

After doing a quick survey I discovered that the majority of my target market prefer the name frenzy so I decided to search for some fonts on the internet that would fit with the name and the genre of my magazine. 

2nd Magazine analysis

Monday, November 12, 2012

Target market- Research

My target market- Research

The Sub-Tribes that I have decided to analyse for my magazine are the "Ravers" and the "Hipsters"they both fit into the style of magazine that i would like to do so I need to research the kind of things that will most interest my target groups.

In order to find out all the relevant things i need to know about my target market i will be posting a survey on Survey monkey specifically targeting my desired audience and asking them questions about things that would be relevant to know when making my magazine.

The link to the survey is hear for people to complete.

Youth Market Research

Youth Market:
First of all i set out to investigate how the youth market where categorized into different groups, this would then allow me to focus my research to either a single group or different groups that have some of the same interests. This will then enable me to understand what i need to included in my magazine and the genre and style it needs to be.

I used a website called UK Tribes which had done a country wide survey to try and separate the youth market into different tribes that have different hobbies and clothing style ect.
Youth Market categorized into different tribes.

The groups are categorized into 5 different categories:
Leading edge
Aspirant mainstream

Quote UKTribes:
"Urban music is the most pervasive and influential genre in popular music, topping the charts around the world and sound-tracking the lives of many different Tribes. Members of the Urban segment are therefore very close to one of the biggest cultural signifiers in the youth market – although in planning terms, genuine Urban segment members make up a small slice of the market."

Quote UKTribes:
"Possessing an alternative taste in music and fashion no longer automatically denotes outsider status. Instead, this segment makes up a significant slice of the youth market, with the internet helping to smash the barriers to the Alternative lifestyle. An enthusiasm for indie fashion and band culture is now almost obligatory in the development of middle class teens."

Leading edge
Quote UKTribes:
"Leading Edge tribes are the smallest segment in the youth market. However, they drive taste across virtually all other sectors, impacting on the listening habits and fashions of everyone from rural teenage Emos to the stars of US hip hop. These tribes stand at the gateway of popular culture, and are the main influence over other Tribes like the Young Alts. However, all of these Leading Edge Tribes are hard to manipulate"

Aspirant mainstream
Quote UKTribes:
"Leading Edge tribes are the smallest segment in the youth market. However, they drive taste across virtually all other sectors, impacting on the listening habits and fashions of everyone from rural teenage Emos to the stars of US hip hop. These tribes stand at the gateway of popular culture, and are the main influence over other Tribes like the Young Alts. However, all of these Leading Edge Tribes are hard to manipulate."

My Target Audience

Quote UKTribes:
"Just turned teenager? Welcome to the Mainstream. Apart from those born into privilege or other exceptional circumstances, most youngsters start out as members of this group. Forgetting all of the regular media demonisation, the Townie and Chav subsets are among the most visible around Britain and entry requirements are low – if you like chart music, TV and a bit of a drink, you’re in"

The main tribe that i will be using for my target market is the mainstream tribe, the main stream tribe has many sub-tribes which enable me to be more specific about the kind of people that i will be targeting, they are the ravers and the boy racers.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Magazine Analysis- Kerrang


Who Produces Kerrang?
Kerrang is produced by the Bauer Media Group and was launched in 1981as a monthly magazine and then became a weekly magazine in 1987 due to its such success.
Who are Kerrang's target market?
Kerrang's target market are mainly people who listen to a wide variety of rock/ metal. This can be shown throughout the magazine by the general layout and content used and also by the kind of advertising that is included. The mean age of people reading Kerrang is around 22 which is very low for a commercial magazine.

The front cover of the magazine clearly highlights by its general theme and presentation that it it focused on reporting everything to do with the rock genre. Also the general content on the front cover includes known rock groups and includes the word rock many times making it clear to see the main genre of the magazine. The name of the magazine also resembles the sound of a guitar being played which is an instrument that is usually played in a rock band.
Kerrang's price is normally around £3.20 per issue but if you get a subscription the price per issue is decreased greatly.
Kerrang is published weekly due to the ever changing songs in the charts.
Circulation is the number of copies sold and distributed of that issue of magazine or newspaper.
The NRS website gives information about the number or readers of magazines and the circulation, also it gives an average for each year of the amount of readers per magazine sold.

Monthly revenue for advertising and circulation
Circulation: £213,600
This tells me that advertising is the main source of income for kerrang and most likely for every single other magazine/newspaper.

Link to cover analysis

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Initial ideas- Mind map

For the start of my research i decided to make a mind map showing my ideas and plans for the tasks ahead. This included what i will do on my front cover, contents and double page spread in terms of font, colour, picture etc. Also it helps me to see what kind of things i will have to research in order to make my magazine the best and most realistic I can.